new to the lab? The lab manual is a great place to start



Welcome to the MCAB Lab! The purpose of this extensive document is to orient you to the rules and regulations for everything related to the Motivated Cognition and Aging Brain Lab. Hopefully any questions you have related to the general goings-on, procedures, and expectations within the lab will be answered below. If not, feel free to reach out and ask, but not before making sure the answer isn’t right in front of you! This manual is a first point of reference for current lab members as we strive to achieve these goals, and serves as a general introduction for prospective members. You can also find the lab elsewhere:

•          Lab website:

•          Github *work in progress!*:

•          Twitter: This is Greg’s personal account, but most of the tweets are decision neuro related. If there’s a need or desire for an official lab twitter account, we’ll make one!:

There are also a couple of sites that will be important (and exclusive) for lab members:

•          Journal Club:

•          Asana:

•          Trello:

•          Slack:

•          OSF:

In general, firm policies are in the lab manual, whereas ways of implementing these policies (i.e., getting stuff done) will eventually be on the GitHub so that they can be updated by anyone in the lab. Asana and Trello organize tasks that need to be done (and relevant discussions) for specific projects, rather than general principles.  Slack is for both general and specific conversations about lab and lab projects, and OSF is where we publish info about projects. Any information that is potentially private should go in a protected location. (You can read more about various lab resources further below.)

Although some information may need to be updated in the manual, assume that it’s an accurate source. This means that you should follow all of the policies and protocols contained in the manual. If you notice something that seems to be wrong, please let someone on staff know. If there is something in the lab manual that you notice people aren’t doing, please feel free to bring this up at lab meeting. In other words, if you see something, say something!